Initiatiave Oceans
L'iniziativa si svolge ogni anno dal 2005 a cura dell'Is Benas Surf Club.
Programma 2017 - presso spiaggia Sa Mesa Longa, Putzu Idu, Oristano
Is Benas Surf Club Environment Department
Pulizia delle spiagge di Sa Mesa Longa, Capo Mannu, Putzu Idu (sardegna)
In concomitanza con "Initiative Oceans" Giornata Europea della Pulizia delle Spiagge con Surfrider Foundation Europe
Ocean Initiatives are being organised by Surfrider Foundation Europe, a non-profit organisation (French law from 1901) dedicated to ?defend, save, improve and manage in a sustainable way the oceans, the coastlines, the waves, and the population that benefits from these"
What is Ocean Initiatives?
A great eco-citizen weekend with a global scope dealing with the problems of macro-waste, and dedicated to the protection of our coasts, our lakes and our rivers. This is taking place on the 19th, 20th, 21st and 22nd of March 2009.
Ocean Initiatives, how does it work?
Voluntary workers organise local clean-up operations and Surfrider Europe head office co-ordinates these operations, offers logistical help, and broadcasts news of the event on a European, national and local level. The participants need to consult the list for the cleaning-up of beaches on the Ocean Initiatives website in order to find out about the clean-up sites. Then you just need to register for the site and the day in question, and to turn up at the indicated time and place in order to join the group.
Why take part in Ocean Initiatives?
According to the UNO, every kilometre of ocean contains 120,000 pieces of floating plastic; yet in spite of this, macro-waste is still not considered as a real pollutant by European legislation! Let's get mobilised in order to alert both the media and the politicians about macro-waste, the hidden pollutant. To find out more about problems with macro-waste and initiatives of our organisation please download our macro-waste dossier.